Our Sharpe’s specialists are here to help you with all your beef/dairy feed, programs, and marketing needs. Our team has a diverse variety of education and experience to maximize profits and we are capable of remote communications to help from afar.
Beef Services
Experienced Beef Consultants
Completes, supplements, Premix
Protein and Mineral Blocks for pasture feeding
Grain and Forage Testing
Receiving programs
Sales of by-products and commodities
Beef Pro Ration Balancing - Growth and Financial model
Bag and Bulk Delivery
Feedlot walks and audits
Dairy Services
Experienced Dairy Consultants
CowSignals workshops
DairyComp305 Analysis
Dairy Enteligen Herd Monitoring
Organic ration balancing and products
Ration balancing using Optilac technology
Inoculant and forage support
Extensive robot expertise on all major brands
Commodity valuation and purchasing advice
Return Over Feed Analysis and Benchmarking